Monday, December 17, 2007

Tsunami in Asia

please visit this site to know more about Tsunami victims & help

The Rotary international

The The main objective of a Rotary club is service -- in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotary International (RI) has developed a broad range of programs designed to help clubs carry out this vital mission. Some of these programs have been underway for many years, while others have been developed more recently to meet emerging needs.
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
First. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
Second. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
Third. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life;
Fourth. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

please visit

you can make a difference in the lives of needy and, of course, in yourself.



UDAVUM KARANGAL (HELPING HANDS) is a registered non-governmental non-religious and non-profit social service organization, established in 1983., with sole objective of serving people in distress who are orphans & destitutes.

pl. visit to know more -

u can make a difference

Disturbing sacrifice

I was very deeply disturbed by this news and the clips on TV news.
Ultimately the sacrifice of a mother has gone waste, because the children were not in a position to receive the donated eyes.
My idea of publishing is to prevent others from doing such foolish things; also, if the medical world can help the deserted boys this blog's purpose would be served.

Now, read on the news article from "The Hindu"

Ends life to give vision to her children

CHENNAI, MARCH 19. In a bid to help her children get vision, a 36-year-old woman, allegedly committed suicide in her house at Kodungaiyur, on Friday.
According to C.Sylendra Babu, Joint Commssioner of Police, North, Tamizh Selvi's two sons — Kumaran (17) and Mohan Kumar (15) — are visually impaired. A few months ago, the woman pledged her eyes with Sankara Nethralaya.
Before hanging herself, she wrote a note that she had pledged her eyes for her sons.
The police informed Sankara Nethralaya authorities and the eyes were removed, Mr. Babu said.

The news that the eyes could not be used was subsequently published by other papers.

Rare photos

Monday, October 01, 2007


What is the correct action where someone needs to be moved to perform CPR, such as a car accident? Does the risk of additional harm (such as spinal injury or bleeding) outweigh the benefits of CPR if nobody qualified is on scene?
    If the person is in need of CPR and must be moved, move the person and begin CPR. Remember if you don't do CPR the person will die. The neck injury is only theoretical if you move the person. Death, if you don't do CPR, is 100% certain. Whenever you move a person with a possible neck injury try to support the head during movement and keep it as straight as possible.

During the CPR, what is the percentage of heart efficiency as a pump?

    The best estimate of the heart efficiency during CPR is 20-30% of normal.

I heard that no matter if a person is unconscious that you should perform CPR. Is this true? When should you not perform CPR?

    It is true that sometimes a person may be unconscious and their heart is still beating and they may still be breathing. Such a situation, for example, may occur in someone who has just had a grand mal seizure. If you tried to do CPR on such a person he or she would probably groan and even try to push you away. This would be your clue that CPR was not needed. CPR is intended only for someone whose heart and breathing has stopped. If the victim moves or pushes you away, you should stop CPR.

What is the ratio of 2-person CPR?

    The ratio of chest compressions to mouth-to-mouth is the same for 2 person CPR as for 1 person CPR, namely 30:2.

How do I perform CPR on a person who has a tracheal stoma? Do I have to cover their mouth or just breath directly into the stoma?

    There are two types of stomas, one which communicates to the nose and mouth and one which doesn't. Since you won't know which type you are dealing with, it is best to pinch the victim's nose closed, keep the victim's mouth closed and breathe directly into the stoma opening.

When you are giving mouth to mouth are you actually breathing oxygen into the victim's lungs or are you trying to stimulate breathing by breathing carbon dioxide into their lungs?

    You are breathing oxygen into the lungs. Your exhaled breath contains 16% oxygen which is close to the 20% contained in the air you breathe in.

When performing CPR, how do I know if it's working?

    You can tell if the chest rises with ventilation. It is hard to determine if the chest compression results in a pulse. Do the best you can and don't stop. It's better to perform CPR imperfectly than not at all.

If a person has had bypass surgery, and a situation occurs that they require CPR, are there any special considerations that need to be made?

    No, CPR should be done in the regular fashion.

Is it easier to break an overweight person's ribs or a skinnier persons ribs when performing cpr?

    The weight of the victim has little to do with the chances of breaking a rib, instead the age of the victim seems to determine the fragility of the bones.

Can I kill someone if I do CPR incorrectly?

    No. Remember the person in cardiac arrest is already clinically dead. CPR can only help. Even if it's not done "letter perfect" it will probably provide some benefit to the victim.

What if I crack a rib when I do CPR?

    Frequently ribs are broken with the pressure CPR places on the sternum. Some studies quote up to 30% of cardiac arrest victims have broken ribs as a result of CPR. This happens more frequently the older the victim since the cartilage is less compliant and the bones more easily crackable. But remember, it's better to have a cracked rib than be dead.

Will CPR always save a life?

    No, in fact, most instances of CPR for cardiac arrest are unsuccessful.

What is the recovery position?

    Assuming the person has a pulse and is breathing, the recovery position means placing the person on his or her side. This allows for the person not to choke on saliva and helps keep the airway open. The downside arm may be raised to suport the head.

What should you do for a person who has been accidentally shocked by electricity?

    A person with electric shock (assuming the shock doesn't severely damage the body) often dies from the heart going into ventricular fibrillation. Such a person needs CPR and it should be performed in the regular fashion. If CPR begins quickly and if a defibrillator arrives quickly this person has an excellent chance of survival.

I want to know what the current teachings are on helping a choking victim. I have heard conflicting information on back blows for an adult. Is it still recommended, or discouraged?

    The first action to take in adults and children is the Heimlich maneuver. Back blows are the first thing to do only in infants who are conscious. In doing the back blows the infant should be in a face down position with the head lower than the body.

What if the victim vomits?

    Vomit is obviously unpleasant. If it happens (and it may in one out of 20 cardiac arrests) merely turn the head to the side and wipe out the vomit as best you can with your finger.

If someone has an asthma attack and collapses, what should a person do? Will CPR help?

    If someone collapses from an asthma attack, it is because he or she is not getting enough oxygen. This is because all the lung's small airways have narrowed and are not allowing enough air to reach the air sacs. Mouth to mouth respiration may help a little. The real need is to get this person to an emergency department so that the patient can receive medications and emergency endotracheal intubation (a tube in the main airway).

What are some of the causes of CPR being used for in infants and children?

    Usually CPR in infants and children is performed for respiratory arrest such as severe asthma. Ventricular fibrillation is rare in children but very common in older adults.

In regards to administering the Heimlich Maneuver to a victim while they are lying down, should the head be facing up, as when administering CPR (in order to clear the airway), or to the side?

    The victim's head should be facing up with the victim on his/her back. Since the airway is blocked you shouldn't spend much time positioning the head. The Heimlich maneuver is the most important thing to do and should unblock the airway

What if the victim is wearing dentures?

    Keep them in place if possible as they will allow for a better seal of your mouth on his/hers.

Can I get AIDS from doing CPR?

    No. There has never been a documented case of AIDS transmitted by CPR.

Can I get sued if I perform CPR?

    You theoretically could but there has never been a successful suit brought against someone performing CPR.

Does the Good Samaritan law protect me?

    Yes, if you give assistance, including CPR, for a medical emergency Good Samaritan laws cover you.

What are agonal respirations?

    When the heart stops beating in cardiac arrest the breathing center in the brain is still alive for a couple of minutes and will cause the victim to take a few abnormal breaths. These abnormal breaths associated in dying are called agonal respirations. They may appear like snoring, gasping, or snorting and will disappear in a couple of minutes. Don't let abnormal breathing stop you from starting CPR.

In cardiopulmonary arrest occurring outside of a hospital what are statistics regarding successful uncomplicated recovery? Also in this situation how many patients are successfully resuscitated but are then in a vegetative state?

    The statistics vary from locale to locale. In New York City or Chicago the survival rate (discharge alive from the hospital) is 2 or 3%. In Seattle the survival rate is 20% overall and 35% for ventricular fibrillation. Less than 5% of those discharged have severe neurologic damage. Over 60% return to their prior level of mental status. Persistent vegetative states (PVS)s are very unusual.

Can CPR be performed on dogs?

    CPR can be performed on dogs. To give respiration you will need to keep the dogs mouth and lips closed and breathe through the nose. Cover the dogs nose completely with your mouth to prevent air from leaking out. You should see the chest rise if you are doing it properly. To give chest compressions you might need to press side to side instead of straight down on the chest. This is especially true for funnel chested dogs. The rates of respiration to chest compression are the same as for humans. In general, most instances of CPR for dogs will involve accidents of smoke inhalation or drowning. Respirations may indeed prove life saving especially if the dog has a heart beat. Once the dog's heart stops beating it is unlikely that CPR will be of benefit. By the way, the name gingy in my address is for my 13 year-old golden retriever.

If a person moves when I do CPR should I stop?

    Yes, if a person moves his arms or legs they don't need CPR.

When should I stop CPR?

    When help arrives to take over, or the victim starts to move.

What chance does the person (on whom I perform CPR) have of surviving?

    If you do CPR on a person whose heart has stopped beating there is a 30% chance the person will live if a defibrillator can arrive within several minutes to shock the heart.

What should I do if I'm alone and I do not know CPR?

    If you are alone and don't know how to do CPR call 911 and ask the emergency dispatcher to give you instructions over the phone.

If a pregnant women chokes should I do the Heimlich Maneuver or can it harm the baby?

    You should do the chest thrust in a very pregnant woman. This is like the Heimlich except you grab around the middle chest instead of the upper abdomen. Click here for more info.

What is the reason calling 911 occurs after 2 minutes of CPR for infants and children whereas for adults, the call is made immediately?

    It is because airway problems are the main cause of cardiac arrest in infants and trying to correct that problem takes precedent over calling 911.

If successful CPR is dependent on a defibrillator arriving, are there any portable defibrillators available?

    Portable defibrillators which operate automatically (they are called automated external defibrillators - AEDs) are available and may be purchased without a prescription. They cost around $1500. The training is very simple and takes only minutes. You should talk to your doctor as to whether one of these might be indicated in your situation.

In a trekking guidebook I own it states that if there has been a trauma fall and the victim has no pulse, then CPR is futile, is this true?

    Doing CPR in the wilderness is futile. I would, however, make an attempt to open the airway and perhaps give several ventilations. You may be dealing with respiratory arrest and a little mouth to mouth could be lifesaving.

Is it true that if a victim "regains" a pulse after doing CPR he/she has probably had a pulse all along?

    You are partially correct. The most common cause of cardiac arrest is VF and this cannot be converted with CPR alone. Electricity is required. However there are some instances when the heart is going very slowly and CPR can oxygenate the system enough to get the heart going again. Also there are instances when the person is really in respiratory arrest and the heartbeat is too faint to feel. In this situation CPR may be enough to get the heart beating stronger.

(Please try to attend a CPR training course)



Check the victim for unresponsiveness. If there is no response, Call 911 and return to the victim. In most locations the emergency dispatcher can assist you with CPR instructions.


Tilt the head back and listen for breathing. If not breathing normally, pinch nose and cover the mouth with yours and blow until you see the chest rise. Give 2 breaths. Each breath should take 1 second.


If the victim is still not breathing normally, coughing or moving, begin chest compressions. Push down on the chest 11/2 to 2 inches 30 times right between the nipples. Pump at the rate of 100/minute, faster than once per second.

NOTE: This ratio is the same for one-person & two-person CPR. In two-person CPR the person pumping the chest stops while the other gives mouth-to-mouth breathing.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday, March 04, 2007


what a beauty !!!

help me to add tamizh sites

help me to add tamizh sites